2017. 10. 11.

Nalini Singh: Cherish Hard - borítóleleplezés

Író: Nalini Singh
Cím: Cherish Hard
Sorozat: Hard Play 1.
Műfaj: kortárs romantikus
Megjelenés: 2017.11.14.

Sailor Bishop-nak csak egy célja volt a jövőre - létrehozzon egy sikeres tereprendezési vállalkozást. Nem zavarhatja ezt meg semmi. Aztán találkozik egy olyan nővel, aki ártatlanságában elpirul és bűnre csábító a csókja. 
Ísa Rain olyan férfira vágyik, aki ápolja őt, szerető családi légkört alakítanak ki együtt. De fülledt csókok egy kertésszel a parkolóban? Ez nem vezet igaz szerelemhez. Majd egy alku az ördöggel (más néven a vezérigazgatóval) munkába áll a nyárra. Fő feladata? Szorosan együtt dolgozni a szexi kertésszel. 
És Sailor Bishop fejében csupa bűnös dolog van.
Ahogy Ísa kezd belezúgni a férfiba, aki egyszerre akar megfojtani és meglovagolni, egyre jobban tudja, hogy döntenie kell - biztonsági játékot játszik, vagy kockáztatja az álmait és reméli Sailor nem töri össze a szívét.

Nalini Singh már több igazán sikeres regényt tudhat magáénak, magyarul is ismerhetjük alkotásait. Most novemberben egy teljesen új kortárs romantikus sorozatba kezd, ehhez hoztam borítóleleplezést.

Előrendelhető az alábbi linken:

Olvass bele a regénybe

Fuming, Ísa made sure to set the alarm system and lock up. Everyone else was already well into their summer vacation—the sole reason Ísa was here was because she hadn’t been able to work on her lesson plans at home.
Her upstairs neighbor was having repairs done to her bathroom that required banging and hammering.
Not all of it involved nails and wood.
Hopefully the repairs would be finished by now. There was only so much ecstatic orgasmic screaming that a single woman in online-dating purgatory could stand without being driven to violence.
She spotted the tan-colored gardening truck the instant she came down the front steps of the school’s imposing redbrick main building and turned left to head toward her car. The hot gardener had parked it right next to her zippy blue compact. The front of the truck had four doors with tinted windows while the large bed was piled with shovels and other manly tools as well as a huge sack of clippings.
His light brown T-shirt was hanging over the top of the tailgate.
Which meant he was still walking around topless somewhere around here.
“Get in your car, Ísa,” she muttered to herself, well aware what would happen if she came face-to-face with that delicious hunk of manhood. Because while she might’ve conquered her shyness, she knew her limits.
Confronted by a bare-chested man who made her ovaries explode, she’d turn bright pink, lose her ability to form speech, and end of story. “Oh—”
She would’ve bounced off that sculpted chest if he hadn’t grabbed her by the hips.
“Hey, sorry,” he said with a startled smile that lit up the dazzling blue of his eyes. “I didn’t see you.”
“No, um, my fault.” It looked as if he’d crouched down to check one of his tires or something else but had risen to his feet right when she swung around to get into her car. And God, his skin was so hot and smooth and he was so tall and his shoulders were so broad and her mouth was drying up. The stuttering would begin at any moment.
The same stuttering Suzanne had mocked relentlessly when they were fourteen. Until Ísa had gone silent around everyone except the few friends she trusted. And now that horrible, ugly-hearted girl was getting married, having a baby, getting a happily-ever-after. Added to which, Ísa’s mother was jerking her on a string like she was a marionette, and her last “date” had asked her to call him Woofy and reward him with doggy biscuits.
The blue of the gardener’s eyes flickered with a hot flame.
And she thought… I know him. But before she could follow that faint thread, all the fury and hurt and frustration and sheer aggravation in Ísa ignited into an incandescent inferno.
She went mad.
Grabbing the hot gardener’s beautiful face in her hands, she said, “I want to kiss you.”
A wicked grin. “Go on ahead.”
And Ísa pressed her lips to his.

Copyright © 2017 by Nalini Singh

Az Írónőről
Nalini Singh New York Times és USA Today bestseller író, a Mentél-Alakváltós, az Angyali Vadász és a Rock Kiss sorozatok alkotója. A gyönyörű Új-Zélandon él és dolgozik, és szenvedélye az írás.
Ha szeretnéd megismerni könyveit, sok beleolvasót és ingyenes novellát találsz a honlapján. A Vonzódás a mentálos sorozat első kötete, az Angyalvér az Angyali vadászé, és a Rock Kiss kötetek önállóan is olvashatóak.

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